Thursday, August 27, 2009

i really wanted to post something but the drawing i'm working on right now is not done yet. maybe tomorrow... i hope so! it's been fun/awkward/challenging and i'm ready to enjoy the final piece. i generally don't title things, but this one makes me think, "antici........pation!"

but i did do something "productive" this week. I have this old wooden trunk that was given to me for a birthday or xmas when i was about 10. i wish i had pictures of what it looked like when i got it. let me just say that it was purchased at a truck stop (not kidding) and that "country" and "whimsical" would not be inappropriate adjectives. it was absolutely hideous. i got rid of little patchwork bears and bunnies painted on the outside a loooong time ago but never got around to doing something with the inside, besides ripping out the quilted blue fabric & white lace that it was lined with. So i finally decided to finish it off with a lining. I cut myself a little lino-stamp and went to town on a big sheet of brown craft paper. Here's how it turned out:

not too shabby!

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